Genders & Sexualities Alliance Grant
PFLAG Wilmington is excited to offer support to our local GSAs! We are offering grants up to $500 to help with initiatives/projects for your club. No amount is too small!
Criteria to apply/rules:
Must be a GSA (or similarly chartered group) at a Delaware school
GSA can only receive one grant per year. Applications will need to be submitted for the following school year and funding is not guaranteed.
Submit a narrative explaining what you plan to do with the grant award.
Grant application can be submitted at any time. Decisions of grant awards are made within 30 days of receipt.
After completion of the project which the grant funded (or at the completion of the school year), GSA shall submit a grant summary highlighting how the grant money was used, lessons learned and how the grant will support the GSA in the future.
Download, complete, and return the form below to
If the form is not editable when opened, select "View" on the menu bar in Word and click "Edit Document". Feel free to email with any questions.